segunda-feira, 3 de novembro de 2014

Ciência vs religião: Estudantes religiosos não compreendem a teoria da evolução

Um estudo recente demonstrou que a religião era um factor de previsão mais importante do que a educação não só da aceitação, como também da compreensão da teoria da evolução - as descobertas apoiam a ideia de que a religião enviesa os indivíduos relativamente ao assunto, sendo mais influente ainda que a educação. Não tem nada a ver com haver evidências contra ou não haver evidências a favor. Ou é ignorância ou é viés religioso. 
Do resumo:

"Results: We found that the degree of religiosity mattered significantly more than education when predicting students’ understanding of evolution. When we focused on acceptance of evolution only, students taught evolution or neither evolution nor creationism in high school had significantly higher acceptance than those taught both evolution and creationism or just creationism. Science majors always outscored non-science majors, and not religious students significantly outperformed religious students. Highly religious students were more likely to reject evolution even though they understood that the scientific community accepted the theory of evolution. Overall, students in two of three biology classes increased their acceptance of evolution, but only those students that seldom/never attended religious services improved. K-12 state science standard grades were significantly and negatively correlated with measures of state religiosity and significantly and positively correlated with measures of state educational attainment."

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